From the author of Lucky Man (Manx Media, 2007) comes a story of relationships and all of the unspoken confusions of life.
"In this follow up to "Lucky Man", Tanzer further demonstrates his remarkable skill in capturing the zeitgeist of micro-eras in recent decades, seemingly drawing on a combination of observation, memory and an intuitive understanding of situational layers in his storytelling." ~ Amy Guth (author of Three Fallen Women)
Geoff is awake, Jen’s left leg is thrown across him, her hair is across his pillow, her breath is lightly brushing against his ear, and he thinks that he should enjoy this, wallow in it, and hold on to it as best he can, because something will go wrong, something has to go wrong, it always does. Jen will decide that he’s not a good listener, or that he is emotionally distant, sloppy, or cheap. Maybe she won’t like his politics or his taste in music. Or maybe, he won’t say the right things or buy the right things. He will push too much or too little. He will forget an important date or insult her mother. He will get mad because she messed-up the laundry or forgot to set the alarm... Geoff wonders whether to say something to Jen about all this when she awakes, but can’t imagine where to start, he barely knows her. Instead, Geoff decides to roll with it as long as he can.
Jen lies there not asleep, but feigning unconsciousness, feeling Geoff’s heartbeat against her temple, adjusting herself to his chest as it rises and falls. This is good she thinks and she doesn’t remotely regret sleeping with him on the first date. She knows Gracie would be very unhappy with her, and not just because of the sex itself, though that wouldn’t make her happy, but the idea that she would give it up so soon.
What does Geoff have to work for now? Why would he want to stay long enough to get to know her, and appreciate her, and come to understand why they might have found a touch of magic while walking home the night before, a mere physiological reaction, that was as easy as anything else, requiring no work, but the right light, the right person, hopped-up emotions and just a touch of chemistry and light conversation? This can’t be good can it?Cover by Michael Paige Glover * Design & Layout by Szostek Design * 178 pages * ISBN: 0-9817481-0-4/978-0-9817481-0-8 * $14
Pub date: August 2008
Details on the release event to follow!
yes, congrats indeed.
here's to many more...
awesome. we need more these: presses who are publishing important work from underknown authors.
congrats Jason and we welcome you!
I hid for three days when my book
came out.
Hard work deserves recognition, and
celebration. You have earned both.
Here's looking to August. . .
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Father Luke
This is great news!
Congrats Jason!
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