The Sapiens
When I say Chicago music scene what is the first thing that comes to mind? I suppose it would depend on your age, but for me the early 90's were not as much about Seattle as they were about Chicago. There were about a couple of bald headed guys (Billy Corgan & Josh Caterer), Certain Distant Suns, Jesus Lizard, Veruca Salt, and so on. Today the scene is much more eclectic, when critics compile their lists of bands to watch in Chicago they may include a few hip hop acts, or an r&b singer, or a hazy folk singer, but there are a few bands in this city who still hold dear the sounds that made Chicago the place to be. These bands, like The Sapiens, acknowledge their roots, but move forward in style and sound.
The Sapiens are a young band from Chicago who recently released their latest ep, Vs. The Hornet. The play straight rock 'n roll, and play it fashion. The suits that they wear add an extra touch of class to this up-and-coming band.
Recently, Charlie and Evan of The Sapiens were kind enough to answer a few of my questions.
Orange Alert (OA): You were recently named one of the "10 new Chicago acts that should be heard", what are your thoughts on the Chicago current Chicago music scene? I'm mean the venues are still here, but will we always be living in the shadow of the '90's?
Charlie: Probably, but I think I'm okay with that as long as the bands in the 2010's are living in the shadow of the 2000's. Also, I still haven't figured out how to refer to these decades.
Evan: I suppose to some people, everything was better "back in the day." For some things, yes- such as Pizza Hut's "Bigfoot" pizza, or maybe my beloved Oldsmobile Delta 88 (RIP), those will always be better than their modern counterparts. As far as Chicago music goes, it seems like we have a bunch of small scenes within the big picture, much like the neighborhoods of our city. I think if more music lovers came out to support and cross-pollinate the individual scenes, we could have a real community here. The artists are ready for it.
OA: Is there a "Chicago Sound"?
Evan: Yeah it sounds like: "Bing-Bong! Doors Closing."
Charlie: I think if you look at the bands making noise in Chicago and tried to find the "Chicago Sound" your head would hurt.
OA: You recently self-released your second ep, Vs. The Hornet. Is the band looking for a label, or has the process of self-releasing and power that new technologies and "new media" made the small indie label obsolete?
Evan: We are not actively seeking out label representation at this time. I'm not sure if the indie label is obsolete, but I will agree that the power of new technology is the reason why The Sapiens and bands like us have been able to do what we do.
OA: Is there a full-length album planned for the near future?
Evan: We are very close to wrapping up the writing stages of our first full-length album and hope to release it near the end of the year.
Charlie: We're really excited to get back into the studio with the new material. This album should show some new dimensions of The Sapiens. Some sexy dimensions.
OA: You have a show coming up on 4/3 at The Note, what can people except from The Sapiens live performance? Do you always were suits?
Evan: People can always expect a very energetic show. That, along with the suits, is something that we've always done since Day One. The suits have seen various stages of refinement -- now we're rockin' vests with ties -- but the live show is always a good time for us, and that feeds the audience.
Charlie: Our live performance is what we really pride ourselves on. We always make it fun to watch what's happening on stage.
OA: What's next for The Sapiens?
Evan: Aside from working on the new album, we are continually on the lookout for someone who will drive the van for free.
Charlie: More mini tours. Less van-breaking-downs.
Bonus Questions:
OA: Coffee? If yes, what is your favorite type of coffee and where is your favorite coffee spot?
Charlie: Yes. Intelligentsia. Lots of it.
Evan: Barely ever.
OA: What was the last great book you read?
Evan: Re-read Lord of the Flies. Awesome. Currently reading Chuck Klosterman "V."
Charlie: The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen

Vs. The Hornet
Push Me/Void/Every Corner (mp3)/Cry/Desperate Measures/Waitress, Waitress (mp3)
For more information on The Sapiens please visit their website and don't forget to check out their myspace page. To order your copy of Vs. The Hornet visit CDBaby or itunes.
1 comment:
it's bigfoot!
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