Wild Sweet Orange
"So be careful what you want 'cause if you will do, it gonna come and get you." from Be Careful (What you Want)
The act of sharing your most intimate thoughts and expression can have one of two effects on an artists. They can either feel a sense of relief and joy that they are able to communicate on such a high level or they can feel a need to recoil a bit and keep things hidden. The challenge, when an audience is waiting and willing, is how much do you share? On what journey and to what parts of your past and present will you allow them to travel.
The debut ep from Birmingham, Alabama's Wild Sweet Orange is honest and open, and the type of ep that will bring forth many fans. Following it's release last November the band signed to Canvasback Music (a division of Columbia Records), and embarked on a tour. Since then they have recorded a new album to be released this year, and are currently touring the state. A tour that features three stops here in Chicago (Feb. 4nd, Feb. 11th, and Feb. 18th at Schuba's)! In fact, I have a pair of ticket to either the 11th or 18th show for the first person who can tell me who directed their new video for Wrestle With God. (Leave the answer in the comments and the tickets are yours!)
Recently, Preston Livinggood of Wild Sweet Orange was kind enough to answer a few of my questions while inbetween tour stops.
Orange Alert (OA): Your debut full-length album comes out this year, what can you tell us about We Have Cause to Be Uneasy?
Prestin Livinggood (PL): We have cause to be uneasy is about the suburbs. It's about fast cars and slutty high school girls that have a lot of potential.
OA: Your song "Wrestle With God" (mp3), along with it's video, were one of my highlights of 2007. What is the story behind that song?
PL: Wrestle with God....hmmmmm is an existential pop song? I dont know. We all grew up in conservative southern baptist south. Good people they are. Some of them just dont believe that they are good people. So shame gets thrown from one generation to another. The effects can be terribly detrimental to the young. Its just a simple 'lil tune about growing up. No big deal.
OA: Wild Sweet Orange is an essential oil used in Aromatherapy. It is said that it brings calm and peace to the person to whom the oil is applied. Is this in anyway the fitting description for the goal of WSO, to bring calm and peace?
PL: Calm and peace. Two great words. Calm. Peace. If you put your hand over your eyes and ask someone what they think of when someone says peace. You would get a lot of different things. Peace to me has to do with feeling centered. Feeling like a human being. Feeling apart of the world. Apart of something. Moments like that some call moments of clarity or grace. That is what peace and calm make me think of. I hope when people see us play they feel proud to be apart of it all. The crazy human race. A sweaty club.
OA: You have a big tour coming up in February which includes three stops here in Chicago. Do you have a favorite city you like to visit on tour? What has been the most unusual moment you have experienced on tour or while performing?
PL: We love Chicago. Of course. I have a lot of good memories in Midway. The last place ive been that I loved was San Francisco I felt like I was in a 50s movie. As to LA. I felt like I was in a ‘70s porn. Now as for experiences...they all kinda of blur right now. Just because all this touring is a new way of life. Ask me this question in a couple years.
OA: What are your thoughts on new media (i.e. blogs, blog aggregators, on-line reviews, etc.) as it relates to the music industry and band promotion?
PL: There was this article that we posted up on our myspace about the new pop star from the New Yorker. I have nothing but faith right now for the music industry. It's imploding on its self and good change will come from it. I think there is so much good music out there. Just the popular music is quite soulful. Wild Sweet Orange wants to change that.
OA: What's next for Wild Sweet Orange?
PL: Better songs. Eating healthy on the road. More rock less talk. White pants.
Bonus Questions:
OA: Coffee? If yes, what type of coffee do you prefer and where is your favorite coffee spot?
PL: Lately its been giving the shivers so much ive been drinking peppermint ginseng tea. Little milk little sugar and honey. But...I also like an americano with almond or a two shot soy latte with an Orangina, take a sip of latte then take a sip of Orangina. Over and over again. It's great.
OA: What is the last great book you have read?
PL: A Man Without a Country/ Kurt Vonnegut
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