Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Watch List

1. Bleubird - If you enjoyed last year's Subtle release, then you have to hear the latest from Bleubird. Their new album , Rip U$A, was released in Canada in February, and contains abstract rhymes galore. Check out: Duct Tape Rub(bear)room (mp3)
2. Clara Clara - Electro Dance punks from France! Is there anything better? Check Out: Les Peins Succes (mp3)
3. Fern Knight - Philly, PA has put forth this graceful and delicate group called Fern Knight. Who says the harp can't rock? Check out: Bemused part ii (mp3)

1. The Winning Card by Doris Meissner and James Ziglar - Can linking biometrics to all newly issued social security cards solve the immigrations issues? I wonder what other implications that type of change will have.
2. Cubs Saturday, 1984 by Arnold S. Wolfe - This is a great story about about a sunny at Wriggly with the family that you wish you still were. Very well done!
3. Cadence Weapon's Guest List - I typically enjoy this weekly feature on Pitchfork, but Cadence Weapon has made this weeks exceptional.

1. 2007 Scion XB - In Shadow Mica please... $14,610
2. War-HUH- What's it Good For? Absolutely Nothin' (set of 3 prints) from Doug Boehm - $66.99
3. Korova Orange Special T-Shirt by Ole Ivar Rudi - $15 -$17

1. Oddica Issue #5 - This is an amazing magazine that is devoted to the art community, and it is free.
2. twohundredby200 April Issue - The theme for this issue is Truth.

1. Morrissey on Jimmy Kimmel last Night! He still has it!
2. In honor of the new movie (4/27) "Kickin' It Old Skool", I've been watching this:

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