10. October Road: If the Office was to suddenly go off the air this would be my favorite show. A young Boston writer finds success, but struggle with challenge of writing a follow-up. He returns home (the setting of his debut novel) to find inspiration. Well done!
9. CiCi's Macaroni Pizza: By far my favorite restaurant this year was CiCi's Pizza. This is an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet, with quality, diverse pizzas and plentiful deserts. They always have a few vegetarian pizzas out, and among them my favorite is the Macaroni pizza.
8. Redbox: This year I found Redbox, and it has consumed my weekends ever since. You can order on-line and pickup your movie at the closest box to your house. It is fast, cheap and very convenient.
7. Snapple Water: 2007 saw a complete redesign of the Snapple product line. My obsession (and label collection) goes back to middle school, and I have tried to have at least one of every type of Snapple ever produced. This year they released (among other items) a line of antioxidant water, and I could not have been more pleased.

6. pdf-mags.com/New Music Tipsheet/Box Office Mojo: It is all about resources and connections, and this year I found three very reliable resources to help with the site.
Pdf-Mags.com, updates frequently and contains links and updates on some of the best Mags on the internet. The
New Music Tipsheet is a great resource when looking for what new music is coming out. I use it every Tuesday.
Box office mojo works the same way, but with DVD's and movies.
5. Guerilla Poetics Project: What a noble mission! A group of writers charged with the goal of promoting the small press. Producing several broadsides (2 month to be exact) this year, GPP operatives take the material and hide them inside soon-to-be purchased books around the world.
4. Matt & Kim's encore performance: A late addition to the 2007 Lollapalooza line-up, Matt & Kim were schedule early on Day 2. Way too early for the suburban folks (especially those who are forced to work Saturday morning) to make it in time to catch the performance. Disappointed but anticipating the Cold War Kids performance, an announcement is made that CSS will not be able to make it due to flight issues. However, Matt & Kim have offered to play another set instead. After Cold War the crowd thins, I grab a spot right in front and Matt & Kim bring forth the most energetic show of the weekend. I appreciated their music before that day, but walked away a life long fan!
3. Lucky Man: Ok maybe the book itself did not change my life (not yet at least), but it has allowed me to get to know the author a little better. Working on the site this past year, I have started many novels and chapbooks. Aside from the chapbooks, "Lucky Man" is the only one I have read cover to cover. It is a fast paced journey following four friends through young adulthood with twists and laughs all the way. Ben's
promotional video's have also been one of my favorite things to watch this year.
2. Literary Journals Galore: A list within a list? Why not!
THE2NDHAND - Hometown feel with obscenely good material.
Ragad - Nick you are my hero!
Thieves Jargon - Proud member of the crew. Art Editor has such a nice ring to it.
decomP - Awaiting the return and unveiling of the all new decomP in February. You never know who might be involved.
Please Don't - New to the world of on-line lit this year, but I anticipate big things in 2008. I mean Sommerville and Messinger in the inaugural issue, oh my!

1. Kendra Steiner Editions: If anyone ever asks you what it means to be dedicated to the craft, please point them in the direction of Bill Shute. I am simply blown away by his ability to evaluate quality and generate a product it such a short period of time. His chapbooks should be treasured as the limited editions they are, but the incredible things is that you can buy them for 3/$10. Bill just released the latest chapbook from Luis Berriozabal, KEEPERS OF SILENCE (KSE #82). I have heard it is a great, but only 64 were made, so grab a copy today.