Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Watch List

1. Sky Larkin - Packed with raucous guitars and energy, this Leeds trio is on the raise. They have released two singles this year, and there is no end in sight. Listen to: Summit (mp3)
2. Dustin and The Furniture - Dustin Goldklang is from Boston and he plays the funky little folk ditties in his bedroom and on his sofa, maybe in front of the fridge, and records them. He is willing to play in your living room and he is the greatest rapper I've heard today (well, maybe in the last half-hour). Listen to: Rap Song (mp3) and No Secret (mp3)
3. Capgun Coup - Well they definitely have a good sense of humor, this noise-pop collective from Omaha, or maybe it's arrogance. Regardless, they are making music in their own way, adding their own creative elements, and the results are fascinating. Listen to: Oh My Mod (mp3) and Huck Fin (mp3)

fascinating offering from Thieves Jargon.
2. Four Poems by Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal - I may not be able to pronounce his name, but I love his work. Ever since I read "Without Peace" I've been devouring his work and preparing my questions. Get ready.
3. "Like Every Other Day" by Zachary Vora - What would you do if you were the last person alive in your town? What would that first morning be like?

1. Third Drawer Down Pillowcases - You typically don't think too much about the design of your pillowcase, that is unless you are an artist. Check out these very interesting pillowcases.
2. Rockwell plectrum - I been considering starting a collections, and I have a few buttons but this has made me consider guitar picks. $2.94

1. Tao Lin is offering you "Freedom from having to pay for a book" you could receive "eeeee eee eeee" for free, check it out.
2. Deconstructed Issue #15 - This is one of my favorite arts zines. This issue just came out last week, and it's theme is pure/supernatural.
3. 2008 Calender from Blue Ant Studio

1. The Octopus Project "Truck" - This video is fun, and not at all as strange as I thought it would be.
2. I am fascinated by the work of Brian Dettmer, but I am having trouble contacting him for an interview. Check out this video of his gallery opening in NYC last December. He is currently has an exhibit at Elgin Community College in Elgin, IL running through the end of the month.

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