Jason Limon
It is not until the power goes out that we realize just how much we rely on electricity. From the refrigerator to the laptop to the television, we are virtually helpless with this mysterious power. Once it is taken away from we turn a substance called Alkaline to fill in the gaps, but soon the energy contained begins to fade. We sit there in darkness, lost and helpless waiting for illumination. You begin to wonder how electricity was first harnessed, what the first light bulb looked like, and who invented alkaline. These are the thoughts and the visions of San Antonio artist Jason Limon.
Jason has an extensive background in graphic design, but has decided to focus his attention on painting. He studied Fine art and Communication Art in San Antonio, and has participated in numerous show across the country. Next month he is coming to Chicago for the first time to participate in the grow show, "Source Materials" at the GARDENfresh Gallery.
Recently, Jason took some time out to answer a few of my questions.
Orange Alert (OA): How would you describe your work?
Jason Limon (JL): I use a lot of characters, figures and everyday objects to convey conceptual ideas. I was a graphic designer for a long time and I grew quite fond of typography so I can't help but enjoy using it in many pieces. I try to keep subdued colors, nothing too bright and distracting.
Jason Limon (JL): I use a lot of characters, figures and everyday objects to convey conceptual ideas. I was a graphic designer for a long time and I grew quite fond of typography so I can't help but enjoy using it in many pieces. I try to keep subdued colors, nothing too bright and distracting.

Orange Alert (OA): I love the way that you prepare your canvas with various layers of colors and bubbles and textures. How long due you typically spend preparing the canvas before you paint the actual images? What are some of the techniques that you use to create the desired look of the your backgrounds?
Jason Limon (JL): The amount of time spent on creating the canvas panels depends on how many individual pieces are needed for the whole painting. Typically for one it takes about 15-20 minutes to cut the pieces out and glue the canvas down. I wait about an hour or so to let them dry before priming them. From there I normally use about three or four layers of contrasting acrylic colors to get the desired effect. I then paint my images on them and then come back later to add more to the backgrounds.
Jason Limon (JL): The amount of time spent on creating the canvas panels depends on how many individual pieces are needed for the whole painting. Typically for one it takes about 15-20 minutes to cut the pieces out and glue the canvas down. I wait about an hour or so to let them dry before priming them. From there I normally use about three or four layers of contrasting acrylic colors to get the desired effect. I then paint my images on them and then come back later to add more to the backgrounds.
Orange Alert (OA): I have noticed a couple of themes in your work, but electricity seems to be an interest of yours. Can you tell us about your fascination with electricity?
Jason Limon (JL): Yes, thank God for Ben Franklin's kite-flying experiment! Electricity is all around us. It makes everything go and it has a life of it's own. I have a fascination with vintage electrical objects. There were always so many electrical parts, switches and lights that made these old things come alive. Just the thought of all these odd looking objects working together to make a television glow and display a moving image bring many ideas to mind. Electricity is my favorite subject, but I try like to paint other objects and scenes in life as well.
Jason Limon (JL): Yes, thank God for Ben Franklin's kite-flying experiment! Electricity is all around us. It makes everything go and it has a life of it's own. I have a fascination with vintage electrical objects. There were always so many electrical parts, switches and lights that made these old things come alive. Just the thought of all these odd looking objects working together to make a television glow and display a moving image bring many ideas to mind. Electricity is my favorite subject, but I try like to paint other objects and scenes in life as well.

Orange Alert (OA): Next month you will be coming to Chicago to take part in the Source Material show at GARDENfresh Gallery. Is this your first trip to Chicago? What might we except to see from you at that show?
Jason Limon (JL): I'm am very excited to personally see the other work in the group and to be able to meet new people. This will be my first trip to Chicago. It is a place I've always wanted to visit. If you've visited my website or Flickr page then you've probably seen the work already online. I look forward to seeing the responses of the gallery goers.
Orange Alert (OA): I see you have a Sketchel Shoulder Bag out from Jeremyville. I have noticed a lot of artists licensing their work or creating original images for products recently. What are you thoughts on this tend? Does this lessen the character of the piece or does it aid the artist in becoming more visible and well-known?
Jason Limon (JL): I did the Sketchel bag a little over a year ago. It was a fun project. I don't believe that having original art on other objects besides a framed canvas lessens the work. If anything it helps by letting a lot more people view the images. The bag was a great idea because everyday people will be able to view the work everywhere it goes: at the bus stop, on the escalator at the mall, in the cereal isle at the supermarket, the list is endless! It just seems today there are a bunch of opportunities for artists to do a whole lot more to get good exposure.
Jason Limon (JL): I did the Sketchel bag a little over a year ago. It was a fun project. I don't believe that having original art on other objects besides a framed canvas lessens the work. If anything it helps by letting a lot more people view the images. The bag was a great idea because everyday people will be able to view the work everywhere it goes: at the bus stop, on the escalator at the mall, in the cereal isle at the supermarket, the list is endless! It just seems today there are a bunch of opportunities for artists to do a whole lot more to get good exposure.
Orange Alert (OA): What's next for Jason Limon?
Jason Limon (JL): To keep on creating images mostly; more complex with deep thoughts. I do have a few sculptural ideas in mind that I've been wanting to try.
Jason Limon (JL): To keep on creating images mostly; more complex with deep thoughts. I do have a few sculptural ideas in mind that I've been wanting to try.

Bonus Questions:
Orange Alert (OA): Coffee? If yes what is your favorite type of coffee and where is your favorite coffee spot?
Jason Limon (JL): I don't drink coffee. Mountain Dew on the rocks works well for me. I like to sip it while surfing the web!
Jason Limon (JL): I don't drink coffee. Mountain Dew on the rocks works well for me. I like to sip it while surfing the web!
Orange Alert (OA): Do you listen to music while you work? Who are some of your favorite while painting and in general?
Jason Limon (JL): I like a variety of music: Soul, old school punk, some 80's hits, indie tunes. I've been listening to M. Ward recently, he's a musical genius and Ron Sexsmith. Good stuff to work to.
Jason Limon (JL): I like a variety of music: Soul, old school punk, some 80's hits, indie tunes. I've been listening to M. Ward recently, he's a musical genius and Ron Sexsmith. Good stuff to work to.
For more information on Jason Limon please visit his website or check out his flickr page.
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