One of the goals of an artist, just as a writer has to find his/her own voice, is to develop a signature style of painting or drawing. Something that sets them apart from everyone else, while still keeping them very much a vital part of the art world. Musicians have to do this as well, whether it is the sound of the singers voice, the sound the guitars, or the pound of the drum, quality bands have their own sound. One artist that has really developed his personal style is, Saskatoon based artist, Matthew Feyld.
Whether it is the shape of the heads, the small intricate facial features, the way limbs bend or the boots, there are so many distinctive characteristics contained in his work. My favorite elements of his work are the playful aspects and the frequent appearance of different animals, from foxes to bear to birds. Also known as Driftwould, Matthew is creating a body of work that is simple in appearance, yet extremely interesting and deceptively detailed. He recently answered a few of our questions on motivation, music, and more.
Orange Alert (OA): The images in your paintings are very unique. What is the motivation behind these imagines, and how would you define your style of painting?
Matthew Feyld (MF): My motivation comes from a lot of things really. I like to take a run in the morning if I can. Afterwards I feel like I can do anything. Whether I be painting a canvas, or piece of paper, I think my style is a "drawing" type of style.
MF: The time it takes me to create is piece varies obviously, but I generally paint/draw for about 8 hours daily. I usually start with a head.
OA: Who are some of your biggest influences artistically?
MF: One of my biggest influences would have to be "Alligator Pie". A children's book with poems by Dennis Lee, and illustrations by Frank Newfeld. I got the book from my aunty in 1989 (I was 5), and I haven't found anything since that makes me feel what i feel from this book.
OA: Do you listen to music while you paint? If yes, who are some of your favorite while painting and who are your favorites in general?
MF: Music is very important for me while I work. Depends on my mood, some days i will listen to "Stars of The Lid" all day on repeat.
OA: I see that you have recently designed the cover for Tom Whalen’s new book “Dolls”, how did that relationship come about and where their any limitations or specification related to that type of work?
MF: Actually the piece for Tom's new book was chosen from an older painting i had done. It wasn't made specifically for the book, but Tom felt it worked well with his title, and so did I.
OA: What is next Matthew Feyld?
MF: Most likely breakfast
OA: Coffee? If yes, what is your favorite type of coffee, and what is your favorite place to drink coffee?
MF: I actually don't drink coffee, but my girlfriend does. We go to Tim Hortons, and she gets a coffee, and I get a hot chocolate.
OA: What is last album you purchased?
MF: David Bazan "Fewer Moving Parts"
Artist Statement:
Matthew Feyld, Saskatoon based artist, is a lad who grew up with a birth defect that made his head swell unbelievably. this happened at the worst times possible... during show and tell... at the science fair... on his first date... it happened from stress. he found that keeping calm helped his head stay normal and drawing, painting, scribbling was his cure. his work is almost voodoo to keep his swollen head from reappearing. it recreates his greatest fears. beady eyed monsters with giant balloon heads fighting off the world in tights.
This is going to be Matthew's year, he is currently being shown at the Mendel Art Gallery (Saskatoon, SK Jan 19-March25), and in February he was involved in the New Voices showing at Phantom Galleries in Los Angeles. However, look at what he has on the horizon:
Strange Brew, BLVD Gallery, Seattle, WA (Sept 14-Oct 14)
Sans titre, Galerie Rouje, Québec, Québec (May 10 – June 7)
Picks Of The Harvest, Thinkspace Gallery, Los Angeles, CA (April 13 - April 27) Masks, Fun and Fluo Vampires, Oeil de Poisson Quebec, Quebec (March 22-May5)
For more information and to view addition pieces you can find Matthew Feyld on Flickr, Fotolog, or his new blog, and you can contact him directly here.
1 comment:
he's the best!!!! glad you featured his wonderful work :)
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