1. RF & Lili De La Mora - Angelic and graceful, this duo is preparing to go on tour with Joanna Newsom, and release their debut album on Odd Shaped Case this spring. Big things coming, keep watching!
2. The Water Island - Tim Fite and Danielle Stech Homsy make beautiful music together. There is rumor of an album that is sold at Tim Fite concerts, but I haven't seen yet.
2. Let's Go Sailing - Their debut album, The Chaos in Order, will be released on March 27th. Shana Levy has an amazing voice!
Female vocals all around this week on the Watch list, but three very incredible women.
1. Texas is First to Require Cancer Shot for Schoolgirls by Ralph Blumenthal. I am not a proponent of vaccines, in fact I am strongly opposed to them, but I haven't decided on this on yet. Anytime I see the word "require" I take pause.
2. Toggle Magazine - Jeremy Pruitt and Jacklamotta started a magazine a few years back, and it never really took off, but you can still download the three issues from their website.
3. Free Will: Now You Have it, Now You Don't by Dennis Overbye. This topic has always interested me, and this is a great article. Is it free will, predestination, and simply randomness?
1. Z-Trip Mixtape Academy T-Shirt - $20 (More of a Wish list item)

1. Folgers Gourmet Selections Free Sample
1. The new Grizzly Bear video for Knife which premiered on Stereogum on the 8th.
2. The trailer for Rob Swift's new movie "As the Tables Turn"
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