1. Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are you the Destroyer? (This will be a top ten release at the end of the year. This is by far their best effort and should not be overlooked!) (mp3)
2. Menomena - Friend and Foe (Great album full of interesting loops and fantastic melodies) (mp3)
3. Deerhoof - Friend Opportunity (Surprisly accessable and very enjoyable) (mp3)
4. The Shins - Wincing The Night Away (Safe and predicable never sounds so good.) (mp3)
5. The Good, The Bad, & The Queen - s/t (Damon Albarn, Paul Simonon, and Dangermouse, Can you say supergroup?) (mp3)
6. Fujiya & Miyagi - Transparent Things (Funky grooves!) (mp3)
7. David Vandervelde - The Moonstation House Band (22 year Chicagoan being compared to Bowie and T-Rex, huge hype and solid delivery) (mp3)
8. The Bird and The Bee - s/t (Unusual Blue Note release, but if you listen deeply you can hear some jazz influence.) (mp3)
9. The Broken West - I Can't Go On, I'll Go On (find mp3's here)
10. The Fratellis - Flathead Ep (A favorite of mine from over the summer is finally getting some play in America, and some commercials as well.) (Find mp3's here)
11. The Tiny - Starring: Someone Like You (Bjork meets Psapp) (Stream the album here)
12. Nurse & Soldier - Marginalia (mp3)
13. New Young Pony Club - Ice Cream (Rerelease) (mp3)
14. Dustin Kensrue - Please Come Home (Find mp3's here)
15. Chris Garneau - Music for Tourists (Find mp3's here)
16. Animal Collective - People Ep (Find mp3's here)
17. Six Parts Seven - Casually Smashed into Pieces (Find mp3's here)
18. The Earlies - The Enemy Chorus (Find mp3's here)
19. Panda Bear/Excepter - Carrots/KKKKK
20. Rafter - Music for Total Chickens (Find mp3's here)
21. The Berg Sans Nipple - Along the Quai (Soothing interesting melodies, electro-pop) (mp3)
22. Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone (find mp3's here)
22. Mouthful of Bees - The End (Last but not least, great indie rock from Minnesota) (mp3)
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