This really makes me want to get my CPA. I want to be cool like these guys!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
New Release Tuesday:
Besides being Halloween, today is a big release day in the music industry, especially for the hip-hop community!
Ron Artest - My World (The long awaited, and under estimated)
A Cloud Mireya - Singular (The softer side of Prefuse 73)
Animal Collective - Hollinnda Gain (Great day to release a song called "Pumpkin get Snake bit")
The Bird & The Bee - Again and Again and Again and Again (Ep) (mp3)
CL Smooth - American Me (Not the same without Pete Rock)
Chin Up Chin Up - This Harness Can't Ride Anything (mp3)
David & The Citizens - Until the Saddness is Gone (I Thought this one would be better.)
Flavor Flav - Flavor Flav (Finally, he dumped that no talent Chuck D guy, great move...False)
Lady Sovereign - Public Warning (Grimme Diva Supreme!)
Elliot Lipp - Steele Street Scraps (Ep) (Downtempe Hip-Hop excellence)
Lyrics Born - Overnight Night Encore (Live album from one the best rappers of all-time!)
Malajube - Trompe-L 'Oeil (The music is so good you forget that is not in english) (mp3)
Nobody - Revisions, Revisions (A diverse collection of remixes)
Qwel and Meaty Ogre - Freezerburn (There is no better day for a Meaty Ogre release!)
Juggaknots - Use Your Confusion (mp3)
Our Own Private Bin Laden : I have to see this!
Joy Division - Under Review
Besides being Halloween, today is a big release day in the music industry, especially for the hip-hop community!
Ron Artest - My World (The long awaited, and under estimated)
A Cloud Mireya - Singular (The softer side of Prefuse 73)
Animal Collective - Hollinnda Gain (Great day to release a song called "Pumpkin get Snake bit")
The Bird & The Bee - Again and Again and Again and Again (Ep) (mp3)
CL Smooth - American Me (Not the same without Pete Rock)
Chin Up Chin Up - This Harness Can't Ride Anything (mp3)
David & The Citizens - Until the Saddness is Gone (I Thought this one would be better.)
Flavor Flav - Flavor Flav (Finally, he dumped that no talent Chuck D guy, great move...False)
Lady Sovereign - Public Warning (Grimme Diva Supreme!)
Elliot Lipp - Steele Street Scraps (Ep) (Downtempe Hip-Hop excellence)
Lyrics Born - Overnight Night Encore (Live album from one the best rappers of all-time!)
Malajube - Trompe-L 'Oeil (The music is so good you forget that is not in english) (mp3)
Nobody - Revisions, Revisions (A diverse collection of remixes)
Qwel and Meaty Ogre - Freezerburn (There is no better day for a Meaty Ogre release!)
Juggaknots - Use Your Confusion (mp3)
Our Own Private Bin Laden : I have to see this!
Joy Division - Under Review
Monday, October 30, 2006

I hope to get my ezarchive account functional this week, but until then you can enjoy this festive mix from a dream team of Bootleggers.
The Bride of Monster Mashup
My personal fav's:
Pilchard - Jack the Monkey
Dj BC - The Witch Doctor vs. The Exorcist
Cheekyboy - Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide
Sunday, October 29, 2006

In this weeks discussion I would like to address a philosophical topic without focusing too much on the religious aspects of this topic. The topic is sin or moral code and our relationship with sin. Do we sin because it is in our nature to do so, or is it because of the environment we were raised in?
I mean are we born "sinners", or are have we violated the moral code by being born in the world. I know sin is a religious and subjective term, but is it in our nature to do things we know are wrong, or is it a bi-product of the environment we live in?
The Catholic faith and other reformed faiths believe we are born sinners and in turn practice infant baptism. However, many believe this is based on a false doctrine, and not biblically sound. The Bible does state that all men have sinned, but it does not clearly state that we are born "sinners".
The Jewish faith believes that man is born without sin.
Taoist don't use the word sin, but they believe that "people are compassionate by nature."
Another way to phase this would be is sin "original" or "imitation"?
John Calvin believed in original sin, "therefore original sin is seen to be hereditary depravity and corruption of our nature diffused into all parts of the soul."(from Christianae Religionis Institutio, 1536)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau opposed the doctrine of original sin and contends that man was good by nature, and it was society that corrupted him.
What do you think? Talk amongst yourselves.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006

This duo of Dj, Sabzi and emcee, Geologic formed back in 2002 in the indie rock filled pacific northwest. Their goal has always been to inform the youth while helping Seattle forget about "Big butts and Teen Spirit". These ambitious musicians, determined to be heard, formed their own music label, Mass Line Records, with the help Ra Scion of Common Market.
Blue Scholars are currently in the studio working on their second full length album which is due out in 2007.
Their music is political charged while soothing and familiar, but always with a purpose. “Whether it's to get that next paycheck or get our land back, we've inherited a struggle that the folks coming after us will have to burden as well,” Geologic explained. “Our music reflects the hope that we'll work and fight if we have to, to lessen that burden.”
Watch: Blue Scholars - Freewheelin'

Ryan: (VO) Yeah, I'm not a temp anymore. I got Jim's, uh, old job. Which means, at my ten-year high school reunion, it will not say, "Ryan Howard is a temp." It will say, "Ryan Howard is a junior sales associate at a mid-range paper supply firm." That'll show 'em.
Michael: If I don't know how to behave, it is because I am just so far the opposite way. You know? I'm just- I-I can't even imagine- the...thing. Maybe we could go out for a beer sometime, and you could tell you do that to another dude.
Stanley: I got them a toaster. They called off the wedding and gave the toaster back to me. I tried to return the toaster to the store, and they said they no longer sold that kind of toaster. So now my house has got two toasters.
Happy Halloween from the Office!
Thursday, October 26, 2006

Lowell was born in Boston, Mass on March 1, 1917. He attended Harvard for two years, but left to complete his education at Kenyon College under the study of John Crowe Ransom. Lowell has always been associated with the confessional movement, and it is that raw honesty that make his work so valuable to the American culture.
A poem that still has special meaning during these modern times is a poem that was commissioned for and first read at the Boston Art Festival in 1960. "For the Union Dead" addresses the possibility of our nations nuclear annihilation.
"The old South Boston Aquarium stands
in a Sahara of snow now. Its broken windows are boarded.
The bronze weathervane cod has lost half its scales.
The airy tanks are dry.
Once my nose crawled like a snail on the glass;
my hand tingled
to burst the bubbles
drifting from the noses of the cowed, compliant fish."
-(from For the Union Dead, 1964)
For the full text of this poem and many others by Robert Lowell go here.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

If you have ever wondered how long you have left to complete everything on your "life list" then you need to check out this weeks website. According their calculations, I will make it to age 94. Sweet!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Nacho Libre: Jack Black
An American Haunting: Donald Sutherland
Monster House: Steve Buscemi
Slither: Elizabeth Banks
Music: (This is a big music in week!)
The Blow - Paper Television (mp3)
Bright Eyes - Noise Floor (Rarities 98-05) (mp3)
The Curtains - Calamity (mp3)
Ben Folds - Supersunnyspeedgraphic
+/- - Let's Build a Fire (mp3)
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Broom (again, it seems like it has been out for years)
Under Byen - Samme Stof Som Stof (mp3)
Pelle Carlberg - Everything. Now! (mp3)
My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday's Mix:
Today's Mix can be found here w/a few mp3s. It is called "The Wind is Breaking my Back" and features music from Joseph Arthur, We Will Build, and more. Enjoy!
Sunday, October 22, 2006

This week's discussion revolves around the recent homeland security bill signed by the President. This billed allowed for 700 miles of high-tech border fencing between the United States and Mexico. Why is this a "homeland security" issue and not simply an immigration issue? Here are one person's views on the reasons why it is a security issue. Are we trying to defend our southern border from more then just Mexican immigrants? As detailed in the House Committee on Homeland Securities' report "A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southern Border" there are three key reasons for this needed security (bottom of page 4).
1. US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigations have revealed that
aliens were smuggled from the Middle East to staging areas in Central and South
America, before being smuggled illegally into the United States.
2. Members of Hezbollah have already entered the United States across the
Southwest border.
3. U.S. military and intelligence officials believe that Venezuela is emerging as a
potential hub of terrorism in the Western Hemisphere.
What do you think? Why are we building this fence? Is there a need? Is it simple immigration or are there more pressing dangers at our southern border? Talk amongst yourselves.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006

This band played their first live perform just a year and a half ago, and have already released an ep, an lp, and two single in the U.K. They are set to release their third single "Whistle for the Choir" on November 27th. Currently, their music is not being released in the United States, but it is well worth the import prices. Their sound is full, fun and infectious, and they will undoubtedly be a huge hit in America. If like to dance, shout, sing-a-long, and have fun then check out Barry, Mince, & Jon Fratelli as they do it all.
Henrietta (mp3) was the first single released and probably the best with its bouncy bassline and infectious chorus it is a classic from the first note. However, I have not been able to get Chelsea Dagger (mp3) out of my mind for almost a month now. This is what Franz Ferdinand wanted to do, but sadly couldn't.
Watch: The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger
The Fratellis - Flathead (mp3)
The Fratellis - Creepin' up the Backstairs (mp3)
To purchase Costello Music (import) go here.

Dan's Pick:
Denver’s Defense. Against a lowly team like Cleveland, and with the Shut-Down Corner of Champ Bailey, Cleveland will look to run the ball against one of the leagues best run defenses and pass to Winslow against Denver’s outstanding Line Backers. That mix doesn’t look good for a struggling Browns team. I expect a lot of turnovers, and a very little scoring from Cleveland.
Jason's Pick:
Matt Leinhart. He beat the Bears, and the outcome of that game still has to be burning in his belly! He and the Cardinals will come out shooting this week, and attempt to prove that they are better then their 1 and 5 record. There is really no better team to prove this against then the lowly Oakland Raiders.

Mmmm... Pretzel Day!
Quotes from this weeks episode of The Office:
“What is Michael’s greatest fear?” – Dwight
“Loneliness……..maybe women.” – Ryan
“Wrong, he fears nothing…I would have also accepted snakes.” - Dwight
“Just as you have planted that seed in the ground, I am going to plant my seed in you.” - Dwight
“Hey Costenella!
The Coz!
The Cosby!
Hey, Hey, Hey.. I like Pudding Pops…my son Theo, he likes Pudding Pops too.” – Michael to a sales prospect
“What is the greatest danger facing Dunder-Mifflin?” – Dwight
“Outsourcing and competition consolidation.” – Ryan
“Wrong, Flash Floods.” - Dwight
“Hey Big Tuna! Could I talk to you for a second?” – The other guy in CT
“Sure!” – Jim
“Could you get up…and talk to me over there?” – That guy
“That’s the best you could do?!” – Quincy Jones’ daughter
“I’m acting my heart out here!” – The guy that calls Jim Big Tuna.
“They’re all going to be screwed when this Internet fad is over!” - Dwight
“I get up every morning in a bed that’s too small, drive my daughter to a school that’s too expensive, work at a place that pays too little, but Pretzel day….I like Pretzel Day.” - Stanley
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Sinclair Lewis was the first American to win the Noble Prize for Literature, and between the years of 1912 and 1951 he published 23 novels. As Sheldon Norman Grebstein wrote in his work Sinclair Lewis, Lewis "was the conscience of his generation and he could well serve as the conscience of our own. His analysis of the America of the 1920's holds true for the America today. His Prophecies have become our truths and his fears have become our most crucial problems".
This is very apparent in his 1935 novel "It Can't Happen here", where a dictator is able to take power in the United States by preying on the needs of a nation in the midst of a depression. The country claims that fascism "can't happen here", but stand helpless as their rights are slowly taken away. For the text of the novel go here.
Of Montreal - Forcast Fascist Future (mp3)
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Every year it gets increasingly difficult to see through the propaganda, and actually understand the issues of the election. Lucky for you we are here to help. The Election is on November 7th, 2006, and here are the candidates:
Democratic Party - Rod Blagojevich
Republican Party - Judy Baar Topinka
Green Party - Rich Whitney
Constitution Party - Randy Stufflebeam (write-in)
For the sake of space, we will be posting the issues that are important to each candidate in the comments section of this post. Stay tuned, and remember if Paris can vote so can you!
Jason's Wednesday Link:
Now that the prices are on their way down it may not be the most pressing issue, but have ever wondered "How Gas Prices Work?". If you have you will enjoy today's link.
Now that the prices are on their way down it may not be the most pressing issue, but have ever wondered "How Gas Prices Work?". If you have you will enjoy today's link.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Each Tuesday we will run down the highlights (and maybe the lowlights) of the weeks new releases. This is a slow for music but in the DVD world there are some notables.
The Break-up: Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston
The Omen: Julie Stiles and Liev Schreiber
Over the Hedge: Steve Carell and Bruce Willis
Charmed (Season 6): Why?
Murder She Wrote (Season 4): Oh yeah! You know you want this!
Goldfrapp: We are Glitter
This is a remix album with remixes from Mum, DFA, The Flamming Lips, Benny Bassi, and my favs The Shortwave Set. This album will brighten your Tuesday.
Goldfrapp - Satin Chic (Bombay Mix By the Shortwave Set) (mp3)
Monday, October 16, 2006
- The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger (mp3)
- Locksley - Don't Make me Wait (mp3)
- The Grates - Inside Outside
- The Whigs - Technology
- Bound Stems - Western Biographic (mp3)
- Tokyo Police Club - Cheer it on
- Headlights - Lions
- The Thermals - A Pillar of Salt
- Chad VanGaallen - Flower Gardens
- The Lemonheads - Black Gown
- Silverspun Pickups - Well Thought Out Twinkles (mp3)
- Snowden - Anti-Anti (mp3)
- Scissor for Lefty - Ghetto Wars (mp3)
- The Chalets - Two Cord Song
- Archie Bronson Outfit - Kink
- The Fratellis - Flathead
- The Killers - Sam's Town
- Cold War Kids - We Used to Vacation
- Hidden Cameras - Hump from Bending
- The Decemberists - O! Velencia
- Ben Kweller - Penny on The Track (mp3)
- Blitzen Trapper - Pink Padded Slippers
- Annuals - Carry Around
- Peter Bjorn & John - Young Folks (mp3)
Sunday, October 15, 2006

This week’s topic is Intelligent Design (I.D.):
Is it a legitimate scientific argument or a mask for creationism?
Should I.D. be taught in schools?
I.D. is the theory that the progression or "evolution" of all living beings was and is guided by a creator.
Michael J. Behe states his reason for studying I.D. in this simple phrase "irreducable complexities". He defines this as a system of successive modifications that are difficult to explain.
Another simple (maybe to simple) analogy is that of the watchmaker. If you were to find a watch in a field, is it too complex to have appeared there by natural process? It is logical to assume that there was a watchmaker responsible for its creation.
I.D. is a theory in the same manner as evolution is a theory and both should be taught in schools.
What do you think? Talk amongst yourselves.
Silversun Pickups - Well Thought Out Twinkles (mp3)
Jens Lekman - A Higher Power (mp3)
Friday, October 13, 2006

This weeks featured artist is Page France. Formed in 2004, this campfire sing-a-long group has the perfect sound for a cold autumn night. The brisk, mostly acoustic, backing highlights founding member Michael Nau's amazing vocals with grace and beauty. The group has three quality releases to their credit including the September 2006 release "Hello, Dear Wind" on Suicide Squeeze records.
Page France will be appearing at Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL on 10/26/06. They will be joined by Anathallo (mp3) and Sybris. Tickets are only $8!! For more information go here.
My Favorite song on Hello, Dear Wind is Jesus (mp3). With it's familiar feel and catchy chorus it will instantly brighten your day, and quench your musical thirst.
More Page France mp3:
Chariot from Hello, Dear Wind (mp3)
Junkyard from Hello, Dear Wind (mp3)
Ribs from Come, I'm a Lion (mp3)
More mp3's can be found here as well as a nice interview from their live Daytrotter session back in September.
To purchase Hello, Dear Wind go here.

Hey Big Tuna, Did you watch The Office last night?
Best Lines:
"I now have the strength of a grown man and a little baby." - Dwight
“I called the manufacturer, who transferred me to the warehouse, who transferred me to distributor, who told me they sold them in the building next door.” - Jim
“This is not a game.”- Michael
“Well there is a ball involved.”- Phyllis
"If my head was ever detached from my body, I would like you to put it on ice." - Dwight
"Did you check your butt?" - The guy that works with Jim
Watch deleted scences from last night here.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Here is the "Ultimate Fall Mixtape":
1. Tobias Froberg - When the Night Turns Cold (MP3)
2. Beirut - Postcards from Italy
3. Peter Bjorn & John - The Chills
4. Blitzen Trapper - Pink Padded Slippers (find it here)
5. Spoon - I Summon You
6. The National - Secret Meeting
7. M. Ward - Chinese Translations
8. Loose Fur - The Ruling Class
9. Kelley Stoltz - Memory Collector
10. Hidden Cameras - She's Gone
11. Page France - Jesus
12. The Books - Future, Wouldn't the be Nice
13. Electric Presidents - Snow on Dead Neighborhoods
14. The Shins - New Slang
15. Say Hi to Your Mom - Super
16. Death Cab for Cutie - Title and Registration
17. All-Time Quaterback - Dinner at Eight in the Suburbs
18. The Decemberists - Bridges & Balloons
19. Sufjan Stevens - Adlai Stevenson
20. Ben Kweller - Magic
21. Jens Lekman - Maple Leaves
22. Bright Eyes - Arc of Time
23. Neutral Milk Hotel - In a Aeroplane of the Sea (find many version here)

Welcome to our new blog: "What to Wear During an Orange Alert".
Our mission is to inform, entertain, and surprise anyone who is interested. We will talk about music, politics, sports, literature, and anything we find humorous. We will also let you know what to wear during an orange alert.
Today I would say you should wear your Yankees uniform, but that would be inappropriate.
A fitting song for this event would be "Yankee Bayonet (I Will be Home Then" by The Decemberist (MP3 can be found here).
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