Saturday, January 03, 2009

The Watch List

1. Sun Visor: I suppose all you need is one song, well I think they might have more than one, but that is all that I found on their myspace. Luckily it is a good one.
2. Albatross: There is something about Julie Popelka voice that blows me away.
3. Box of Baby Birds: Gary Calhoun James is the mastermind of this soothing brand of folk/country from Chicago. They are performing at The Hideout on an 9th.

1. Us, People by Jimmy Chen: I am a sucker for pop culture, but what we really got me was the last line.
2. & (twenty-two) by J.A. Tyler: A flash of brilliance.
3. Me and Theodore dress up like Eskimos while we roast chestnuts on a hotplate by Mary Hamilton: This was the other story that Mary read at the last Orange Alert reading.
4. PAVEL PONOMARYOV AND PROV SADOVSKY by Jac Jemc: This is from the latest issue of No Posit, and there is so much more great stuff in this issue. New pieces from Noah Cicero, Matt Ryan, Zachary German, Chris Major, David Oprava, and many more.
5. Saved by the Bell by Sam Pink: What if Sam Pink wrote an episode of Saved by the Bell?
6. On Bathybius by Tom Orange: Mr. Orange how have I not found you sooner?!
7. Gone by Sarah Williams: A well-painted picture.

1. Blago 2016-F**K Them T-Shirts: This just further proves that Chris Bower is a genius.
2. Ink Work & original art by Chris Szostek
3. Blue Collar Poet by G. Emil Reutter: To be released in February, but now available for pre-order.

1. An Introduction to Hunger by Zachary C. Bush: An interesting collection of poems by Zach from Gold Wake Press.
2. Excited about AWP? Well here is one more reason to attend.

1. "Mona Lee" by The Sweet Serenades
2. Zac German & Brandon Scott Gorrell eat a crap ton of Popeye's
3. "Sore Thumb" by Fujiya & Miyagi
4. "Evrytm We Do It (RAC Maury RMX)" by Wallpaper.
5. Smoking Popes "Stay Down" Live on JBTV

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