Monday, November 10, 2008

The Orange Spotlight

A.J. Kaufmann & Bill Shute Beyond The Blue Rocks (Kendra Steiner Editions #113)

"we pass unnoticed through people of paper/their paper streets/environment changes/they never do question/the western lands twinkle..."

For some faith is all there is. Every action, every word, every breathe is filled with faith. It is this complete understanding that can result in a high level of clarity, and an overwhelming sense of peace. In some Faith's you can expand your understanding and peace through meditation which can take on several different forms. It is more then just sitting a certain way and making a silly noise, it about a focused freedom. It is about expanding your mantra, and releasing everything else.

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1)

Beyond the Blue Rocks is a set of meditations on the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Yet it is more obtainable and accessible then it may sound. Written by both A.J. Kaufmann and Bill Shute, the collection shifts focus and style rapidly. At it's center this collection is about the journey, through life and to faith and freedom. So if you are looking to move beyond or simply find a stronger center, check our the release from KSE.

There were only 55 copies of Beyond The Blue Rocks made and I am holding #26, so order yours today.

The New Monarchs Blueprint (Soup Bowl Records, Oct. 28th)
"A door cannot escape the space in which it turns."

A monarch is a ruler, a solitary ruler of a nation and of a people. That's not always the most pleasing image to have in your mind as you examine a new cd. However, from the first electronic noise, Blueprints, soars on electro-pop wings. You stop thinking about the name of the band, and start wondering what sound will come next. The New Monarchs formed in 2005, Sean Hogan and Taylor Nelson have slowly built and pieced together this stunning debut. Originally a quartet, the band split up as college approached, but Hogan and Nelson continued send music back and forth. They would come together during the semester breaks to put everything together with a slightly more electronic focus then when they were a full band. The results are focused and echo through the Autumn night with a gentle blue force.

Only the fourth release by Minnesota's Soup Bowl Records, Blueprints further illustrates the eclectic focus of the label. From punk-pop to jazz-pop to an electronic gem, SBR is building a catalog of music you really have to listen.

Across Your Hands (mp3)/No Commotion/Windows Down/Off The Record/Leigh/Surprises (mp3)/Common/You'll Always Know/Kiss Me At The Gate/Hold Me Quick

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