Saturday, November 01, 2008

The Watch List

1. Smoldering Ashes: I have been enchanted by the lovely voice of Veronica Ashe!
2. Donny Hue and The Colors : Brooklyn's boys bring a little taste of the blues to the mix. Listen to: Good Time Happening (mp3) (video)
3. Pirate Love: Gut-busting grim and grit rock from Oslo, Norway. Listen to: The Lonely Streets (mp3)

1. 1 Diagram & 3 Graphs by Joshua Ware: It may be the accountant in me, but I really think these are cool.
2. Glass Cake Plate by Juliet Cook: Juliet is always fascinating.
3. decomP November Issue: Rusty Barnes, Justin Hyde, LCB, Aleathia Drehmer, the best issue ever.
4. Being a Parent by Alex Summer Melnick: Short but so honest and direct.
5. The Watchman by Melissa Hansen: A good Halloween poem.
6. When Underwater Volcanoes Erupt by Dominique Holmes: How do we view tragic events?
7. Paperwall Issue #12: Great new issue of this pdf journal.

1. From Which Place the Morning Rises by Michael Lee Johnson: This is Michael's new chapbook and it contains my interview with him.
2.You should do ALL of you early Holiday shopping HERE!

1. Proteus Magazine Issue 6
2. Kid Color "Carded & Discarded"

1. Fredrik "11 Years" created by Dutch filmmaker Iris Piers.
2. Illinois - 'The Adventures of Kid Catastrophe' Trailer"
3. The Astroid Galaxy Tour - "The Sun Ain't Shining No More"
4. International Jettsetters - "Inside Out"
5. Caveman Robot

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