Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Watch List

1. The Dead Trees: Portland indie rockers return on October 21st with King of Rosa. Check out their Daytrotter Session here. Listen to: Shelter (mp3)
2. Kid Mud: Sean Duncan is a strange man who likes to cover Justin Timberlake. His EP Birds Will Move In was released last week on New and Used Records. Listen to: Press it Out (mp3)
3. The Pale Corners: Table tennis, beer, and a group of friends from Sweden. Listen to: Steve Buscemi (mp3)

1. robosouthamerica by Brandon Scott Gorrell: With a chapbook forthcoming from the newly formed Muumuu House, Brandon has put together a series of interesting lines.
2. A Pale White Hamster Yawns in Bed by Ellen Kennedy: A hamster who works as a janitor.
3. Evening Collapsed Purple by C. Robin Madigan: A great series of stories by this Chicago writer.
4. The Mustaches in the Springtime by Charlie DeVore: Mustaches and a place named Coffeyville, what more could you want? You can also listen to Charlie read this story over at Word Riot.
5. There's No Telling by Blythe Winslow: You never know what might happen.
6. Campfire by Donna D. Vitucci: I am not a fan of camping, but I love campfires.
7. Girl With Curious Hair by Lisa Zaran: "there's something missing."

1. PBR Soap: Now you can be hip and clean. Made from Pabst Blue Ribbon, Distilled Water, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, sodium Hydroxide, this soap is also vegan friendly.
2. Sarah Palin Debate Flow Chart: You know there had to be some logic behind her apparent madness.
3. The Price of Death by SJ Robinson: " It's a novel with all the corporate greed, personal intrigue, and (yes) even sex that you expect in a feel-good, easy-read. " Sound interesting enough.

1. Blanket Issue #12: The Travel Issue... I thought everyone was staying home these days.
2. A new mp3 from These United States! This is one of my favorite songs right now, "Get Yourself Home" (mp3)
3. An invite to Queer Eye on a Diverse Nation feature the work Robert Porazinski. One of many shows taking place this month, this exhibit runs through Nov. 15 and is located at 3656 N. Halsted.

1. Cadence Weapon "Real Estate"
2. Audrye Sessions "Turn Me Off"
3. Rick Riordan the latest from Barnes & Noble's Meet the Author.
4. The Deer Tracks "Slow Collision": One of the most beautiful videos and songs of the year!

1 comment:

  1. Jason,

    I hope you like "There's No Telling;" thanks for listing it here. You've got a fancy blog here. I'll be snooping around...


