Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Watch List

1. I Am Three: Irving and Hughes are two Manchester lads making a combination of folk, pop, and oddly enough rap. Check it out.
2. The Deer Tracks: Heavenly melodies out of Sweden. I know I should just move to Sweden, but seriously this duo is incredible! Listen to: Slow Collision (mp3)
3. Anna Vogelzang: Chicago folk-rocker, Anna and her band of boys are sure to impress. Listen to: Buckets of Rain (Dylan Cover) (mp3)

1. Grocery Store Check Out Girl by John Grochalski: An ode to memories and whatever might bring them on.
2. The Warhol-Sleeping Quartet by Peter M. Ball: This is a long one, but very interesting.
3. Sorry by Chris Killen: Never wake your wife up to talk about dreams.
4. Battling for Gucci by Jennifer Walmsley: That's right battle for Gucci, not world peace, not decreased eco-footprints, gucci.... I love it!
5. Hed by Colin Bassett & Janelle Barr: A love poem, I think.
6. Everything They Say About Sailors Is True by Donna George Storey: This wasn't what I was looking for, but I couldn't stop reading.
7. I Am Being Honest by Matthew Savoca: Sometimes it is better to not be so honest.

1. Red Reign Designs - Art Objects by Michelle Miller: Incredibly intricate origami objects, she can even customize!
2. Joe Scarano Letter Pressed Trading Cards: I am a sucker for letter press.
3. Jeff Koons Limited DVD: Colette is selling this unique dvd of Jeff's work. I am still undecided on the work it's self, but people seems to dig it.

Getting (Underground Lit Edition):
1. Indiebound : A great resource for the indie bookstore.
2. Love Chicago : I like the design of this site, and it appears to be Gapers Block for the young generation, but it just needs to be updated more frequently. Maybe they a need a music and lit writer? (hint)
3. Little Bang!: I can't wait for October to get here!
4. Skeleton News: This is a print newspaper that is filled with fiction and comics and all sorts of amazing stuff. However, they have no web presence and I don't know where to find more issues of their publication. All I have is an e-mail address that they put inside the paper. They are looking for writers, distribution, reporting, web design, and more. Contact:

1. The Interiors and Matt and Kim on Rolling
2. The Bug ft Warrior Queen "Poison Dart": I can believe I've slept on this one so long. It's a banger if I've ever heard one!
3. Wild Sweet Orange "Sour Milk": "Don't tell me that man is my father"... Powerful!
4. El Perro Del Mar "Glory to the World"
5. Excerpt from Yum Yum I Can't Wait to Die by Sam Pink
6. Mr. Lif "Home of the Brave" (live) w/ Aesop Rock & El-P: There really is a better to listen to this week!

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