Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Watch List

1. The Mint Chicks!: I received the strangest e-mail from a pr person this week. All it had was a subject line that said "The Mint Chicks!". Nothing else, no info or links, a blank message. So, I will not give you any information, I will just say... The Mint Chicks!
2. Fig Leaves: London is home to this genre bender. Deep dark electronic merge with sleazy rock n' roll to sound the is complex and intense. Listen to: Kissed (mp3)
3. Miracles of Modern Science: MOMS is from Brooklyn and they are going to be huge! They have such a big and beautiful sound mixing mandolin, violin, cello, stand up bass, and drums.

1. Man-2 by Tobias Amadon Bengelsdorf: A tale of accidents and the shifting of blame.
2. All of No Man's Land is Ours by Jill Summers: A wonderfully written story that is currently featured over at Gaper's Block.
3. The Program by Julie Andrijeski: "I vomited a little in my mouth." You can't go wrong with a line like that.
4. The Meaning of Life by Daniel Hudon: Just to know that someone else may know the meaning is meaning enough.
5. Son, You Will Bear More Than My Memory by Carrie Meadows: Very interesting tale of Japanesse culture.
6. Missing by Marcia Aldrich: Stolen underwear and chocolaty goodness.
7. Eight Times in the Everywhere by Gabe Durham: A great cop story!

1. Memory Hair by Richard Leck : From Words Like Kudzu Press this chap is very well design and only $5. More to come in the weeks ahead.
2. The "Big Money Hustle" series by MAD available at Formula Werks.

Getting: (The Website Edition)
1. Vulgar Picture: An illustrated discography of The Smiths.
2. Covers: A site that displays only the most attractive book covers.
3. Illustration Promo: Sometimes the business cards or postcards of an artists are as well-designed as their work.
4. Does it Offend You, Yeah?: Vocoder Video Game

1. The Ritz video for "Langston Bukowski"
2. Black Kids video for "Look at Me (When I Rock Whicoo)"
3. Bowerbirds video for "In Our Talons". Check out the clever comparison by Gabe Durham.

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