Monday, August 11, 2008

The Orange Spotlight

Doug Draime "Bones" (Kendra Steiner Editions #107, July, 2008)

"Bones of abstract threats thrown at the face of pure innocence"

The idea of bones, structure, support, memory, the ability to break and heal, crack and restore, is quite universal. They are unseen, but consistently felt. In Doug Draime's epic poem "Bones" he encompasses all of these thoughts and more. He focuses on the breakdown in society and what might help heal the fractures both hair-line and substantial.

Yet, there is also the idea that when a person, movement, genre, or thought dies all that remains are bones. Weak, brittle, boxed and buried. How do you unearth a buried thought, movement, moment, or genre? If you speak, write, thick, act, the dust may move. The bones may stir, and all can be remembered.

The cover of this chap is an image called "The Vision of the Valley of the Dry Bones" by Gustave Dore. Only 53 copies of this poem were printed and I am holding copy 18, and I will be send copy 19 to Quimby's shortly. So order your copy today!

Aviary Ghost Memory is Hallway (Self-Released, July 15th, 2008)

"Where we go to recall what is right" from The Hollow

The idea of releasing an album filled with thoughts and sounds of winter in the middle of summer is somehow refreshing. Three years ago, the duo of Charlie Crimando and Stephen Kemsley felt it necessary to survive the long, hard Michigan winter by locking themselves inside their homemade studio (one-room apartment), and translating the bitter cold through their warm and inviting sound. Yet, the primary focus of Memory is a Hallway is memory, and all of its various compartments and corners. Much like bones, memories can often be buried, but occasionally the sight of freshly fallen snow or the smell of pine can awaken and uncover the warmest memories and melodies.

Musically, Aviary Ghost shifts sounds and styles frequently, moving from folk with electronic sprinkles to indie-pop with heart felt lyrics. Lyrics about how memory can save you and also about how it can fail and fool you. They talk of times when everything else seems to be changing, and nothing seems to be right, and how your memory can take you to a place that you recall.

Listen to: The Brain is a House (mp3) and stream the entire album here.


  1. doug draime is a poetry force. an avalanche of thought bearing down on the reader...

  2. I never get tired of new work from DRAIME...can't wait!
