Friday, July 18, 2008

Band of the Week

Now, Now Every Children

These four musicians have released two ep's this year, and they have just finished recording their debut album for Afternoon Records. The video below, and the following interview should tell you everything you need to know about the cutest band in Minnesota!

Orange Alert (OA): Your name, Now, Now Every Children, as an English Major my eyebrow
goes up slightly every time I read it or say it. Even though it is not proper English it is still memorable and a great name. Where did it come from?
NNEC: haha! I actually have the worst time answering this question! It originated from a typo that turned into an inside joke that we had for a few years. When we added a couple of more members and became more serious about the project, that name got thrown out there and we kept it.

OA: I've heard you are currently in the studio working on your first full-length album. How is that coming along? Is there a title or release date scheduled? Will any of the songs from In The City be on the full-length?
NNEC: We actually just finished recording a couple of weeks ago! We still have a couple of things to work on in mixing, but we'll be done with it very soon. The name of it is still in the works but it should be out early October. and yes, there will be two songs from each of our EPs on the full length.

OA: Speaking of you debut Ep, it comes in a very well-designed eco-friendly cardboard case. Was that an intentional packaging choice on your part? How important to you is the presentation of your albums?
NNEC: It just so happens that the eco-friendly choice was also one of the cheapest options. Not to mention the cardboard case was fitting for our EPs. The presentation of our records is super important to us. You want it to represent your music well since people will see it before they hear it. You also just want it be to cohesive with what you're saying in your music.

OA: Afternoon Records is one of my favorite labels, what has your experience been like with them?
NNEC: It is definitely one of mine also! Our experience with AR has been seriously incredible. I couldn't imagine working with better people. It's such a friendly little family. Ian has done wonders for us. He is the coolest dude ever. We're totally in love with so many of the bands on the label. We listened to a bunch of them even before getting signed so it's pretty awesome that we get to be a part of that now too.

OA: Maybe it just Ian flooding my inbox, but there seems to be a wealth of quality young musicians coming out of Minnesota these days. What are your thoughts on the music in up there? Is there competition for stage time at the local venues or is there a wealth of places to play?
NNEC: We've come across some pretty awesome younger bands since we've been playing shows. We haven't really encountered any competition with any of them for stage time or anything like that though. Most bands have their usual places that they play at around here, so I don't think there's too much stepping on anyone's toes.

OA: What's next for Now, Now Every Children?
NNEC: As of right now we are mainly focused on getting this LP out and starting our first tour in August! We're heading to the west coast which we are tottttallllyyyy excited about. We've never really played out of state other than a couple neighboring states so it should be a new experience for us. After that we'll see where this record takes us and hopefully just keep touring and putting out more records!

Listen to: Not One, But Two (mp3) and Everyone You Know (mp3)

Bonus Questions:
OA: Coffee? If yes, where can someone find the best cup in Minnesota?
NNEC: I think we'd agree that Spyhouse has a pretty decent cup, same with Uncommon Grounds, which definitely has a great hang out atmosphere, especially when you're bored and have no creative ideas on what to do with yourself. But, I have to say that we all love Starbucks too. It's true.

OA: What was the last great book you have read?
NNEC: We're actually illiterate. That's why our name is grammatically incorrect.

For more information on Now, Now Every Children please visit their website. For more brilliant videos go here.

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