Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Artist of the Week

Brian Chasteen

At times I like to look back through the pages and posts of Orange Alert and marvel at the amount of chance connections and random sightings have turned into new discoveries and eventually good friendships. The greatest reward I can ever receive from putting all of this together each week is having an opportunity to meet and help someone who is as passionate about what they do as I am about what I am doing. Many of the people I feature here have been recommended to me or contact me or I have found through digging and searching through the farthest corners of the internet. However, I first saw the work of Brian Chasteen a few weeks ago while I was at The House Cafe to watch Yea Big & Kid Static. Rare and random, I grabbed a card and sent an e-mail.

Brian is from Genoa, and like many artists in the area is trying to use every angle available to find places to display his incredible work. I have yet to find that fresh new gallery in downtown St. Charles or Batavia or Elburn, seeking innovation and creativity. What I do find a lot of are antique shops and faux galleries selling prints of flowers and landscapes that were painted by no one at all. So until The Orange Alert Galleries are built artist like Brian will just have to continue asking coffee shops, concert venues, banks, doctors, or who ever will listen if they will display a piece or two.

Recently, Brian was kind enough to answer a few of my questions.

Orange Alert (OA): How would you describe your work?
Brian Chasteen (BC): Abstract expression with out form or as some call it action painting. I paint from with in my soul. Strict emotions.

OA: Do you have a set color palette that you work with? Do you use color to evoke a particular emotion in the viewer?
BC: Sometimes, basically I use the primary colors. I use house hold paints. The colors mix them selves through the process in which I paint. Yes I do, but I leave my work to the viewer to arouse their own feelings that's why I don't name my work.

OA: How did you get involved with The House Cafe? Have you received any feedback about your work through them?
BC: I was getting a cup of coffee with a friend at The House Cafe, I just asked if I could show my work and the journey began there. The people of the House Cafe have been great, lots of feed back.

OA: Do you feel their are an adequate amount of outlets for Midwestern Artist? Does environment affect art?
BC: That all depends on your style of art. For the abstractest the answer is no. The environment does affect art. I paint from with in my self, from emotions. My surroundings are my source.

OA: There is talk about building an Artspace facility in Elgin. What your thoughts, as an artist in the Western Suburbs about this project. Does the area need a space like this for artists?
BC: I think it would be great, any type of facility to bring art and culture together is great.

OA: What's next for Brian Chasteen?
BC: I'm trying to get pick up by some gallery in the world. I have some other series I'm working on, bringing all the styles together in one.

Bonus Questions:
OA: Coffee? If yes, where can you find the best cup?
BC: Yes coffee ummmm so good. The House Cafe in Dekalb IL.

OA: Do you listen to music while you paint? Who are a few of your favorites?
BC: Yes, Classical and blues. Jakson Pollock and Cloo Potloot from Londerzeel, Belguim Her work so amazing full of emotion.

For information on Brian's work you can send him an e-mail.


  1. I love the texture and turquoise in the top image.

  2. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Brian is the man ! I have been following his art for years...Chuck

  3. Anonymous7:12 PM

    thank you so much for the appreciation !
    Cloo Potloot from Belgium

  4. Anonymous10:02 PM

    You can really tell that brian Paints what he feels and not what he sees
