Friday, January 05, 2007

The Office

Season 3.11 "Back from Vacation"

Great episode! I have two questions though, Did Jan see the e-mail? and Was Darryl eating a chicken wing and a beef sandwhich? I love Michael's beads!

Jim: You’re not allowed to take off your pants in the middle of the office.

Jim: Dwight, you know what, just back up, okay, that’s making me uncomfortable. This is sexual harassment, by the way. Omigod! He’s got a knife!
Dwight: I do not have a knife!
Jim: No, let the record show that Dwight K. Schrute is now completely nude and is holding a plastic knife to Stanley’s neck?!
Dwight: Let the record show that Jim Halpert is a liar!
Jim: Dwight Schrute is now wearing a baby’s bonnet!
Karen: Dwight, what is that on your stomach? Is that a Muppet Babies tattoo?
Jim: Omigod, Karen, you’re right, that is Animal from the Muppet Babies.
Andy: I am now chopping off Phyllis’ head with a chainsaw!

Dwight: Who did this to you, where is he?

Michael:I saw her… at night… and in the morning.*PAUSE*Sex.*PAUSE*I had sex with her*PAUSE*I had sex with Jan.

Michael – “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem. That’s the kind of attitude I want around here. Stay late and do inventory…no problem!”
Pam – “Is that Jan!”
Michael – “No, it’s another woman…from Germany…named Erkel…Gru.”

Phyllis: "I called all the grocery stores and none of them have whole pigs."
Angela: "Try the petting zoo."

1 comment:

  1. Michael: “I got a picture here that should be in Maxim.”
    Todd Packer: “Yeah, they wouldn’t even let you subscribe to Maxim!”

    Stanley: I am not doing a lick more work until I get my full bonus check.

    Michael: And I, to you, in addition, feel the same feelings that you are as well.
