Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Artist of the Week

Andy Kehoe

Born, raised, and currently living in Pittsburgh, PA, Andy Kehoe eerily strolls along the line between illustrations and art masterpieces. This graduate of Parsons School of Design in New York, claims being just blocks from the World Trade Center on September 11th, has forever changed the course of his creative output. His pieces seem to tell stories when placed side by side, but are also unique and interesting as individual works. Common themes in his work lately, may be seasonal, but are trees of autumn or leafless trees, complex man and animal combination creatures, weapons, death, smoking, and evolution.

Although, he has yet to secure a solo gallery showing (this maybe his year to get one), he has had several group exhibitions over the last four years. His most recent showings were at the Nucleus Gallery (Los Angeles, CA) and at the Black Maria Gallery (Los Angeles, CA). He has an upcoming exhibition with Matt Haber at the Jonathan Levine Gallery (New York) in May 2007.
Visit Andy Kehoe here.

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