Friday, December 29, 2006

Band of the Week

The Bees (UK)

Otherwise known as A Band of Bees in the US, The Bees are back in '07, and better then ever! Octopus is there third LP and is going to be released in the UK in March, but no US release has been scheduled. (Of course, I have been listening to it all week.)

The Bees, not to be confused with the US band also called The Bees, formed in 2001, and are officially from the Isle of Wight. To arrive at their sound you need follow the following recipe:

1 cup Bluegrass
2 cups 60's Rock n' Roll
1 cup Hot Jazz
2 cups Funky Soul
and a pinch of Jamaican Flavoring

This six piece band really brings the heat from all different directions.
A good example of this was their 2005 single "Chicken Payback", they made a great video as well:

From Octopus (3/07):
Got To Let Go (mp3) (Highly Recommended!)
Listening Man (mp3)
Love in the Harbour (mp3)
Left Foot Stepdown (mp3)
End of the Street (mp3)

Chicken Payback (Madlib's Soul Distortion Vocal Remix) (mp3)

Visit The Bees here

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